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The Mission...
  Sydney's Health Market

“Let food be thy Medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates

We believe that education is the key to making informed decisions. Our mission is to help others find their path to healthier living!

Sydney’s Health Market is dedicated to the very best customer service and keeping all who visit up to date with information to live a healthier lifestyle.

Sydney's Health Market
Sydney, my first born child, was very ill from day one and by the time she was 14 months old she had severe digestive issues including stomach distension and anemia.  After "doctoring" for many months, I was told Sydney had a milk allergy, but the symptoms were severe and not improving. I finally found a pediatrician who was concerned enough to order a battery of tests – an ultra sound, x-rays, complete blood panel and intestinal biopsy.  The tests revealed Sydney had Celiac Disease.  What is Celiac Disease I asked? After the initial shock, I did some research.  I found that Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. Those individuals who have Celiac Disease cannot tolerate gluten; a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. I also became aware that gluten is not only found in foods, but in supplements, medications, shampoos and many other products.  Therefore, I began to diligently read food labels. I contacted food manufacturers regarding the ingredients in their products. (The new labeling laws are very beneficial to those needing special diets).  Shopping at the grocery stores, I found some gluten free items, but very few. When I returned to pick up these items, the product was either discontinued or not available.  Creating Sydney’s Health Market was a way for me to provide healthy foods for my family and our community.
  Sydney's Health Market
  Sydney’s is independently and locally-owned by Stephanie Engel and Darby Smith.  Stephanie is the founder of Sydney's and works closely with the Red River Celiacs, a local support group for those with Celiac Disease.  Darby Smith is passionate about  nutrition and helping others. He has experience as a nationally registered e.m.t., a health care specialist for the army national guard, and has worked in the natural foods industry for over 10 years. Laura Kennedy is the office manager of Sydney's.  She is a Celiac and her husband has many food allergies. Sandy Kohler, with her knowledge and lifestyle of living gluten, corn, and dairy free has been instrumental in helping Sydney’s Health Market become the finest natural food store in the area. 
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